Article Retraction & Withdrawal

"Article Retraction"

Articles may be retracted due to scientific error in the cases such as multiple submissions, false authorship claims, plagiarism or fraudulent use of data. A signed statement from the author must be submitted before the article can be withdrawn. The consent of all the paper authors is required before a repeal can be published. The notification of retraction will be published and link to the original article clearly marked as cancelled. In addition, the notification will also include withdrawal reasons and who retracted its article. The original article will not be removed from the online version and print journal version, but it will be identified as a retracted article. Retraction will also be listed on the content page.

"Article Withdrawal"

Article withdrawal is strongly discouraged and only used in exceptional circumstances for an early version of an article which has been accepted for publication but has not been officially published yet but may have already appeared online. The version may contain errors, may have been posted inadvertently twice or may violate journal publishing ethics guidelines (e.g. multiple submission, false claim about authorship, plagiarism, improper use of data, etc). In such situations, especially in case of legal/ethical violation or false/inaccurate data that could pose a risk of harm if it is used, it merely can be decided to withdraw the article's initial version from our electronic platform. Withdrawal stands with the article content (both HTML and PDF versions) is removed and replaced with HTML and PDF pages stating that the article has been withdrawn in accordance with Universitas Moch. Sroedji withdrawing article policy along with a link to the policy.


Additional note, if the author has his/her own copyright for the article, it doesn’t mean he/she has the right to withdraw it after publication. The integrity of the published scientific records is paramount and this policy on revocation and withdrawal still applies in such cases.